Pierre Turcotte Editor offers its boutique space to publishing houses wishing to distribute their digital books on its platform. The contract is non-exclusive and our prices are more advantageous than on Amazon and other major distribution platforms. Nothing prevents distribution on several. You will need to provide us with digital files ready for publication (we will not do any editorial work, layout or corrections). Revenue from the sales of your titles will be shared as follows:
Your publishing house will receive: 75%
Pierre Turcotte Editor will keep: 25%
Are you interested in a publication by Pierre Turcotte Editor? We offer you to assign the secondary rights on our books if you wish to make a hard copy in your country (we keep the digital distribution). The benefits are great: you don't have to do any editorial work or proofreading. We will provide you with a ready-to-publish text and you can edit the cover. Just send to the printer and distribute. Add our authors and titles to your catalog! Royalties will be distributed as follows:
Your publishing house will keep: 60%
Pierre Turcotte Editor will receive: 40%
Are you interested in a publication by Pierre Turcotte Editor for translation? We offer you to transfer the secondary rights on our books that you wish to translate. You will have to pay for the translation, which must be done by a professional translator. You will be able to sell the paper version and the digital version (or you can entrust the distribution of the digital version to our shop, under the conditions mentioned above). Add our translated titles to your catalog! Royalties will be distributed as follows:
Your publishing house will keep: 60%
Pierre Turcotte Editor will receive: 40%
Our partners
Éditions Andibooks, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Éditions Colline inspirée, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Éditions Line Mc Murray, Saint-Alexis-des-Monts, Québec, Canada.
Éditions Lupeppo, Yaounde, Cameroon.
Éditions Takaba, Bamako, Mali.
Francophonie, Action et Médiation (FAM), Arles, France.
Kongo Mag, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Nouvelles Éditions DenyLegrand, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.